Share: "All About Bob" - Ralph's World

AllAroundRalphsWorld.jpgOne of my favorite tracks from the upcoming Ralph's World disk All Around Ralph's World is "All About Bob." Want to share it amongst your family and friends to see if they agree with me? OK -- Bar/None Records is offering a free download of the track -- go here to download the mp3. Tres catchy.

Stream Key Wilde and Mr. Clarke's "Rise and Shine" Right Here...

Well, your opportunity to buy the digital download of the Little Monster Records EP Hello, Our Name Is Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke from Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke (natch) has come and gone with the arrival of 2010. But it's a new year with new opportunities, and the first opportunity is to listen to Rise and Shine, the full-length KWMC debut, in its entirety, right here. It's officially released next week, but Little Monster is offering you, loyal Zooglobble reader, the opportunity to listen before then. To listen is to like. A lot. 2010 is gonna be a great year. Oh, sorry, too late.

Video: "They All Ask'd For You" (Live) - Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem

RankyTanky.jpgI've been starting to listen to Ranky Tanky, the first and forthcoming family album from Connecticut's Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem, so I was glad to see that Bill had captured them (not literally, just on video) recording an in-studio performance for a future show. They're making their way out west this spring; I'm looking forward to hearing them do a few tracks off the album here in Arizona in May. But here they are doing their cover of the Meters' "They All Ask'd For You" and making the N'Awlins classic song very much their own... Dig the fiddle. I always dig the fiddle. Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem - "They All Ask'd For You" (Live) [YouTube] Ranky Tanky track listing after the jump...

New Elizabeth Mitchell Video "Little Bird, Little Bird" = Cute Overload. (Plus, New Album Title.)

LittleBirdVideoPic.jpgOK, you know those parenting magazines you skim through at the pediatricians' office (when all you you'd really like to read is a nice Entertainment Weekly or Economist?) that have pictures of cupcakes which make you want to scream "oooooh!"? This is like the kids music video equivalent. Don't click on the picture -- go here to watch "Little Bird, Little Bird" from Elizabeth Mitchell's You Are My Little Bird. More importantly, Mitchell's next album (mastered and mixed, I believe), has a title. Sunny Day. Not You Are My Sunny Day, just Sunny Day. Look for a 2010 release. Update: Now on YouTube, though not in the highest quality... Elizabeth Mitchell - "Little Bird, Little Bird" [YouTube]

Listen To This: "Party Like a Twinkle Star" - Charity and the JAMband

New music from San Francisco's Charity and the JAMband and the best part is you can listen to the whole thing. Following in the steps of the Nields' Rock All Day, Rock All Night, Party Like a Twinkle Star features one up-tempo CD, one down-tempo CD. Or, as Charity puts it, "10 songs for rocking out... 10 songs for tucking in." You can download the (rocking out, sort of) song "We Are Stardust" for free here. Or just listen to the whole darn thing below. (Click on "Download" to purchase it for $20 from the band.) <a href="">Get Your Booty Out of Bed by Charity and the JAMband</a>

Video: "Ice Pack" - Recess Monkey

I don't know who had the more dangerous job here in the latest video from Recess Monkey -- Drew and Daron, for doing all those falls without the apparent aid of stunt doubles, or Jack, for rockin' the most ridiculous hair/stache combination since late '70s SuperSonics basketball. (Sorry, guys, that probably hurt.) Oh, and as I theorized just this weekend, this new slew of videos will be part of a new DVD due out this December. Most excellent. Recess Monkey - "Ice Pack" [YouTube]