"Happy Mother's Day" - The Harmonica Pocket

Seattle-area band The Harmonica Pocket is gearing up for the release of their sixth album, Apple Apple, and one of the tracks on the new album, "Mother Mother," would be perfect for Mother's Day.  If only Mother's Day weren't coming up.... wait a minute...

This is a jazzy, reggae-touched tune with a simple message.  Stream it below, and add it to that mix CD you and the kids are making for the mom-figure (or figures) in your life.

"Dip N' Flip (The Jacket Song)" - The Flannery Brothers

The Flannery Brothers are very educational.  Here they are, writing a zippity, finger-snapping song that just happens to help kids put on their jackets.  It's a song so catchy it needed its own website. And video.

But if you'd like, you may simply download the song for free below.