Funny Faces - Michael and the Rockness Monsters

Funny Faces album cover

Funny Faces album cover

Artist: Michael and the Rockness Monsters

AlbumFunny Faces

Age Range: 4 through 8

Description: For his second Rockness Monsters album, New York musician Michael Napolitano turns up the funny a little bit more.  The standout tracks include the '70s groove leadoff track "Cardboard Cutout Man" and the epic "Squirrel Fight."  (It's like the Thrilla in Manila, except it's about squirrels.)  And while normally I'm not a big skit fan, the concept of "Elevator Song" -- the band's found a great, free rehearsal space, the only bad news is that it's an elevator -- is amusing, and the execution comedically solid.  I admire the commitment to silliness on many of the tracks here, but note that that the approach probably overshadows the less silly tracks like "Together Forever" (featuring Sonia de los Santos) and "Who I Am."  (Napolitano and co-producer Dean Jones play all the instruments, so musically the entire album is tight.)  Fans of the pop-rock goofiness and sweetness Recess Monkey brings will find a lot to enjoy here.  Recommended.

Note: I was provided a copy of the album for possible review.