Video: "Txoria Txori" - Sonia De Los Santos

This song from Sonia De Los Santos, "Txoria Txori," is a wistful ballad about setting free a caged bird off her fine 2015 album Mi Viaje: De Nuevo León To The New York Island (one of my ten great Spanish-language kids music albums).  All else being equal, I'm probably less inclined to feature a video for a ballad than a rip-roarin' pop tune, even for a ballad I like, but exceptions can always be made, and so for this video I will.

Even though the album from which the lullaby is taken is primarily in Spanish (and English), "Txoria Txori" is actually sung in the Basque language of Euskera.  For the video, De Los Santos traveled to Spain and was filmed walking around Bilbao and other parts of Basque Country.  There are some truly lovely surroundings De Los Santos and her bandmates find herself in -- the whole thing could easily be part of a travel campaign.  Worth it for the voice and the glimpse into another part of the world.

Sonia De Los Santos - "Txoria Txori" [YouTube]