World Premiere Video: "PJs All Day" - The Oot n' Oots

The Oot n’ Oots in front of a little Ponderosa pine.

The Oot n’ Oots in front of a little Ponderosa pine.

I know, many of us have been a little more casual in our day-to-day wear at some point in the past 18 months or so. So I think a video celebrating the most casual of casual clothing — the pajama (or “pyjama” depending on your portion of the English-speaking world) — would be appropriate.

Enter British Columbia band The Oot n’ Oots.

Their new track, “PJs All Day,” isn’t the first pajama-celebratory song in kids music, to be sure, but it might be the funkiest.

And I guarantee you it’ll put a spring in your step. Maybe not as springy as the step of the 11-year-old dancer from Kelowna, BC named Tepi Porcelli-Newlands, but that’s a pretty high bar to clear.

The track is from a forthcoming full-length from the band, and I’m glad to be world-premiering this song and video. Because it’s a guaranteed mood-lifter, no matter your current dress status.

The Oot n’ Oots - “PJs All Day” [YouTube]

Video: "Players' Life" - Alphabet Rockers (World Premiere!)

Back to school season is in full swing, and the Bay Area's Alphabet Rockers have a brand-new video to help your favorite kindergartner slide back into life on the school playground.

OK, I promise that their video for "Players' Life" is, unlike my dad-joke of a sentence above, entirely cool.  The song's off their new album The Playground Zone and the video features a whole bunch of kids dancing with the duo (Kaitlin McGaw and Tommy Shepherd) on a playground, a sight which in my eyes very rarely gets old.  (Choreography is courtesy of Samara Atkins from Oakland's Destiny Arts Center.)  The kids themselves are from Shepherd's son's second grade class (his son, also named Tommy, is one of the mini-me's, who might be my favorite thing about the video).  Director Julio Salcedo, who directs the Rockers' web series, keeps things moving along here, too.

Just an all-around fun little video, one I'm happy to be world-premiering here.

Alphabet Rockers - "Players' Life" [YouTube]

Video: "Young Soul" - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

I know, I just posted the video for "Secret Superhero" 2-3 weeks ago.  But if you and the young 'uns don't have some sort of smile on your face after listening to and watching the dance-filled video for "Young Soul" from Secret Agent 23 Skidoo's latest Infinity Plus One, then... I suggest you watch it a second time.

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo - "Young Soul" [YouTube]

Video: "I Can't Dance (I've Got Ants in My Pants)" - The Hollow Trees (World Premiere!)

It's been awhile since we've heard from Los Angeles' The Hollow Trees, more than five years since the release of Wacky's Tackle.  But thankfully they're back with a new album of Americana- and Tin Pan Alley-inflected originals and covers, Hello Friend, and in anticipation of the album release on July 1, they've got a new video.

The video's for "I Can't Dance (I've Got Ants in My Pants)," a jazz tune dating back to the '30s (at least).  The Hollow Trees' version zips along nicely, and I suspect that between the song and the video, featuring lots of public domain clips of dancing of all sorts, some member of your household will be encouraged to dance in some way, for non-formicidaeical reason.  In any case, enjoy this world premiere video!

The Hollow Trees - "I Can't Dance (I've Got Ants in My Pants)" [YouTube]

Video: "Pretend We Forgot" - The Pop Ups

After the surprise release of their wonderful album Great Pretenders Club, all that's left for The Pop Ups to do is release a bunch of fun videos.  The video for "Bird and Rhino" had a distinctive animation style; their new video for "Pretend We Forgot" features some slick dancing from the duo (and, really, mostly) by The Waffle Crew, a group of New York-area dancers.  How would you dance if you forgot how to dance?  The Waffle Crew (and Jacob and Jason) show us the way.

The Pop Ups - "Pretend We Forgot" [YouTube]

Review: Rocksteady - Josh and the Jamtones

Josh and the Jamtones Rocksteady album cover

Josh and the Jamtones Rocksteady album cover

Kids music is generally not a field for the low-energy musician.  Maybe it's the coffee right before the 10 AM gig, maybe it's the bright morning sunlight, maybe it's the incredible bundles of energy that are your favorite 4- or 7-year-old, but whatever the reason, artists with calm approaches like Elizabeth Mitchell or Raffi stand out for their comparative rarity.

Still, in a field of high energy performers, Boston's Josh and the Jamtones stand out.  Live, they bring it on like few kids' musicians do, mixed with a lot of stage banter and interplay between leader Josh Shriber, drummer Patrick Hanlin, and the rest of the band.  On record, their music had captured some of the energy and some of the humor, but hadn't fully translated their live concert experience to the home listener.

Until now.

The band's new album Rocksteady takes that energy and humor, wraps it in a ska-pop package, and sends it out into the world, ready to sweep up everyone in its path and deposit them gently on the living room rug, worn out from forty minutes of dancing (with occasional comedic skit breaks).  This is an album, after all, whose first full song, "Race U," almost literally ends with the singers pantomiming that they're out of breath.  There are a dozen or so songs here, mostly revved up ska tracks, with very little purpose other than to move the feet and bodies of whoever can hear the music.  Sure, there's some call-and-response on the title track and some shouts-out to classic tracks like "Sloop John B" and Toots and the Maytals' "Monkeyman" (both of them featuring Jesse Wagner from the Aggrolites).  But really this is just a straight-ahead piece of entertainment, no learning necessary.  (Other songs of note: Secret Agent 23 Skidoo joining in on the AutoTune-d "I Love You" and the totally rocking "Tailfeather.")

The album will be most appropriate for kids ages 4 through 8.  You watch videos for a number of their songs at the band's YouTube channel.

Have I made it clear enough that Rocksteady is a party, through and through?  Because it is, enough so that your kids probably won't even need that lullaby album to fall asleep to after dancing like crazy.  Definitely recommended.

Note: I received a copy of this album for possible review.